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  • Writer's pictureTyrone Bartlett

The Key to Light Q&A's


1. How did the vision of this book come about?

It started as a book of poems four years ago. I had kept a diary of poetry that mapped the changes I experienced over the last 30 years. Some of the topics I explored were of a spiritual nature that reflected the metaphysical path my life had taken. I created a glossary to explain the unfamiliar content that the reader may encounter and before you knew it, the glossary became a text book.

2. How is the book set up?

The first half is called “Key Notes”. It explores the fundamentals of the metaphysical journey into the inner life. It includes chapters on consciousness, dimensions, the aura, chakras and most importantly, the Ascension. The Ascension is the name given to the natural cyclical rotation that the Earth and mankind are experiencing, as it shifts from a lower level of consciousness to a higher plane. It is an event universally described by all major religions and lesser known shamanic cultures. It is an inevitable evolution that is consistent with all of nature, which we are a part of. A seed cannot remain in its shell forever. It will eventually grow into a tree.

The second half of the book is called “The Path”. It describes the advancement of human consciousness in seven stages; from the awakening, to the search, confrontation, attunement, setback, recovery and ultimately Enlightenment. It explores the salient features of each stage and the milestones that characterizes progress along the Path. I include my poetry to share my insight into each stage, both from personal experience with my own growth, and also from my intuitive grasp of the knowledge I gathered from my research.

3. What do you hope readers will get from the book?

More than anything, I hope they will find the information in the book to be presented objectively without any agenda. My purpose is not to promote a point of view that validate my choices. Instead, what I wanted to share was the idea that key knowledge that should be known by every person is hidden by a traditionally oriented status quo, that relegates such information to the fringe of the collective consciousness, and it has led to a pathological decline in our potential as a species. I avoid conspiracy theories surrounding that premise because it is too controversial. What I wanted to focus on instead is what we can do about it by reeducating ourselves about the nature of Man and our connection with Universal consciousness. This is a conversation we all need to have so that valid life choices can be made without the exclusion of pertinent and fundamental knowledge.

4. Share a bit of your personal journey.

Obviously one does not embark on such a journey without being pushed out of your comfort zone by challenges, hardships and tragedy. My life has seen all of it, and my response to each experience was to search for an answer as to why it was necessary for anyone to suffer pain. I had intuitively determined from an early age that everyone is entitled to a happy ending regardless of their circumstances, and all it require dis perspective. Your point of view can transform a closet into a castle, so I recognized that happiness was based on your ability to adjust your frame of reference and see the bright side of every dark situation. That outlook allowed me to keep an open mind which was useful when I started to look for answers to the really important questions like “Who or what is God?” “What is the soul?” “What is my true place and purpose in the Universe?” Through that journey, I was led to the conclusion that all challenges were energetically designed to take you on a Path that inexorably leads to God. Not in the anthropomorphic sense, but from the perspective of an all- inclusive whole, a singular consciousness from which all things are but an expression we call Creation. It was such a relief to arrive at that awareness. It completely released me from victimhood and blame, and it set me on a path to share that knowledge with anyone who would ask. I don’t believe you should disturb anyone’s self-concept unless you are invited to.

5. Where can the book be found?

It can be found at local book stores like Logos and Book World and Stationers. You can also purchase it online from Amazon, eBooks, and or Google Play.

6. The book is different from the norm of Bahamian thinking. Share!

As a Bahamian I have always found it difficult to escape the intense scrutiny that an island consciousness implores upon you by virtue of the closed boundary and insulated mentality. Conformity is almost forced upon you if you want to coexist harmoniously with your neighbor. So to embark on a personal journey that departed from the traditional religious pathways required some courage and conviction, when I began thirty years ago. Back then information was hard to find because the internet had not yet come into existence. Nowadays, knowledge like what’s contained in my book has moved from the fringe of acceptance to the mainstream. Strangely though the island insularity has managed to keep such incursions into our collective consciousness at bay and we are strangely out of step with global trends that are moving with remarkable acceleration. The local traditional mindset is incredibly resilient, so my book is definitely an outlier in that regard.

7. What’s next?

I am presently working on an album of songs taken from poems in the book, to be released later this year under my alias “Plati Dread”. I created this alter ego for the very purpose of providing me with a platform from which I could share my message and my experiences with others. Future books are definitely in my plans as well, since my purpose and my mission will not be complete until I leave this earth.

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